The Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation participated in the XXIII Pan American Congress of Children and Adolescents, held in San Salvador and organized by the Inter-American Institute of Children and Adolescents (IIN-OAS), a specialized agency of the OAS. As part of the event, the Foundation organized a side event titled “The Right to Safe Mobility for Boys, Girls and Adolescents.”
As part of the project “Bases for integrated road safety management”, members of the government of Jalisco, Mexico, visited Uruguay to exchange good practices in road safety.
In a ceremony full of automotive personalities, businessmen and national authorities, the Fundación Gonzalo Rodriguez (FGR) and the National Sports Secretariat organized the first edition of the “Gonchi Rodriguez” Awards.
This strategic alliance aims to expand the reach of the safe mobility programs of the Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez throughout the country and contribute to the welfare of the community through MI AUTO Santander's corporate social responsibility.
The Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation (FGR) and the Inter-American Institute of Children and Adolescents (IIN-OAS), a specialized agency of the Organization of American States (OAS), have signed a significant cooperation agreement with the objective of promoting safe and healthy mobility of children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Within the framework of the south-south cooperation project between the governments of Uruguay and Peru, called "Strengthening capacities in child road safety to promote safe child mobility in Peru", the first technical mission of the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation was carried out ( FGR) of Uruguay from June 24 to 28.
Luego de tres días de intenso debate y de compartir experiencias, finalizó FISEVI, el Foro Internacional de Seguridad Vial Infantil más importante de la Región, que se llevó a cabo en El Salvador -en calidad de país anfitrión- con la participación de autoridades de seguridad vial de Uruguay, Colombia, Chile, Panamá, México, Perú, Guatemala, Honduras y Rep. Dominicana, entre otros países.
Con toda la potencia se desarrolló la segunda jornada del FISEVI, el Foro Internacional de Seguridad Vial Infantil más importante de la Región, que se lleva a cabo en El Salvador -en calidad de país anfitrión- con la participación de autoridades de Uruguay, Colombia, Chile, Panamá, México, Perú, Guatemala, Honduras, Rep. Dominicana y Argentina, entre otros países.