
International cooperation: actions to improve child road safety

Bases for an integrated management of road safety is the project approved by the Uruguay-Mexico Joint Cooperation Fund in its V call for proposals. The initiative will be managed for two years by the Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez; the National Road Safety Unit (Unasev) of Uruguay; and the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Jalisco, Mexico. They will work on the implementation of evidence-based policies for child road safety; and on relevant contributions on innovative practices for road safety management.


Inauguration of the Gonchi Museum

As part of a new anniversary of the death of "Gonchi" Rodriguez at the Laguna Seca circuit, California, USA, we inaugurated the museum that will exhibit Gonchi's collection.


COMIXED international cooperation

Thanks to the coordinated work with the Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation, we were able to add road safety as an element of international cooperation for the first time, this time with the government of El Salvador.


United Nations High-Level Meeting

On June 30 and July 1, the United Nations High-Level Meeting on Road Safety was held, where authorities from several countries and representatives of civil society called for working actively and rapidly on the road safety epidemic.


Argentina 2022 Motorcycle Schools Project

With the support of UPS we started a new project in Argentina, in order to reduce the number of injuries and deaths in traffic accidents, especially focused on young motorcyclists.


Strategic plans in El Salvador

In preparation for FISEVI 2024 in El Salvador, we began working with the authorities and technicians of that country to develop a strategic plan.


Safe transportation to school

With the presence of authorities from the National Highway Police, the Uruguayan Pediatrics Society, the Ministry of Development and UNASEV, the Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez, with the support of BlueCross & BlueShield of Uruguay, held a discussion on "Safe transportation to school".


FISEVI shows a renewed commitment on the part of Colombia

The IV International Forum on Child Road Safety - Colombia Chapter, which took place on March 9, 10 and 11 in Bogota, ended with great lessons learned and commitments acquired. FISEVI, which was developed by the Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez, the Colombian Ministry of Transportation and the National Road Safety Agency.