
Together with Intrant we signed an agreement for children's road safety

This agreement seeks to promote, implement and manage public policies and programs for Child Road Safety in the Dominican Republic.


Federal Programme for Child Road Safety in Argentina - 2021

Together with the Fundación Gonzalo Rodríguez and the National Road Safety Agency of Argentina, progress continues to be made in the development of provincial child road safety plans.


Safe mobility for families

May is a special month for road safety, with the launch of Global Road Safety Week and the Yellow May. In this framework, we signed an agreement with the National Directorate of the Ministry of Social Development to promote safe mobility for families.


The legislative role for safe and healthy mobility

On 20 May, with the support of PAHO/WHO, we held the online seminar "The role of legislators for safe and sustainable mobility", to raise awareness of the key role of legislators in developing mobility with special emphasis on road safety.


Safe School Zone - a multidimensional approach

On 18 May, with the support of PAHO/WHO Argentina, we held the virtual conference "Safe School Zone - a multidimensional approach", where different success stories in our region on safe school environments and the importance of working on them were presented.


Gonchi Rodríguez to have a monument in Montevideo

The Departmental Board of the capital city unanimously approved the proposal enabling the IMM to implement its placement in Carrasco.


Street for life

On our streets, all over the world, where we walk, enjoy and live together, we demand action against speeding. Streets that facilitate coexistence and have low speed limits are essential and urgent.


Agreement with Mercado Libre for CRS promotion

With the aim of assisting parents when buying the most appropriate Child Restraint System (CRS) for their children, we made an agreement with Mercado Libre Uruguay, to make available all the information related to child road safety. As of today, a special section within the Mercado Libre site is available to answer the main questions when buying a CRS.