
Webinar - New Parents

Given the circumstances of COVD19 that we are experiencing as a society, the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation is launching a cycle of webinars on different aspects of children's road safety.

In that sense, next June 17th at 11 am (Uruguayan time) the webinar "First time parents" will be developed, where information about the current context of road safety will be presented, and the fundamental elements that we must take into account when we move our children.

It is aimed at first-time parents who want to know more about road safety and child restraint systems.

The webinar will be given by specialists from the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation in Spanish and is expected to last approximately 40 minutes, with a space for consultations.

Register here: https://fgr.typeform.com/to/TH1Q8q

Hora: 11:00

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