
South-South cooperation promotes child road safety in El Salvador

El Salvador, like many countries, is facing an advanced growth in motorization, especially in the use of motorcycles. However, this rapid increase has led to overlooking a fundamental element: children are not miniature adults.

For this reason, it is important to develop a public policy that places children at the center of concerns and ensures their safety in mobility. Children are not only the future, they are a fundamental part of the present. Therefore, it is our responsibility to change a system that has been deficient in protecting children, from the lack of safe walking spaces to the absence of regulations making the use of child restraint systems in vehicles mandatory.

Focusing on establishing child-centered mobility (and cities that consider children as key players) not only benefits children, but also improves safety for all road users and has the potential to save lives on the roads.

The SUR-SUR Cooperation project between Uruguay and El Salvador represents an important step towards resolving these challenges and building a safer future for children and all Salvadoran citizens. Participating institutions include FONAT, the Vice Ministry of Transportation, CONAPINA and the Ministry of Health.

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