
Safe Return to Class 7th Edition

In this edition, the Fundación decided to focus on the importance of using a booster seat as a fundamental child restraint system to safely transport children in private vehicles. The decision was made based on the concern generated by the percentage of safety elements use (3.2%) for the mentioned group in the 2016 Road Safety Observational Behavioral Study.

 With this aim, between March 6-12, the Fundación developed the action “Travel to the Future, Safely” in Montevideo Shopping Center. This activity tried to sensitize parents and children through a virtual reality experience about the importance of using child restraint systems, focusing on the use of boosters.

 During the virtual experience, adults could experience a crash simulation and go through two situations: what would happen in case children were not traveling on a booster seat and the difference implied in using them. At the same time, children could go through a vertiginous ride while in the booster, generating a positive association with the use of this safety measure.

Safe Return to Class also included a public welfare campaign on the radio with the participation of the footballer Antonio "Tony" Pacheco and the TV presenter María García together with their own children. Besides, the Fundación obtained supported by different written and digital media outlets which joined the cause by disseminating the campaign objectives for free.

 As a campaign closure, the Fundación delivered a series of didactic workshops on March 16th, focusing on the development of safety habits in school transport among children from Forms 4, 5 and 6 at School Nº 193 (former Noruega school). The activity concluded with a mural designed and guided by Nicolás Hudson and painted by the children which symbolizes the importance of a safety mobility. Students received a leaflet with recommendations aimed at the responsible adults.

Road Safety Education directly aimed at most vulnerable road users is one of the main actions to lower the figures of car crashes in the mid and long term. In this sense, the activity will be the first one of different didactic workshops to be developed throughout the year in schools in Montevideo.

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