
Presentation of online training platform

With training as one of the key tools when it comes to bringing road accident fatalities to zero, the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation and Argentina's National Road Safety Agency (ANSV) are once again joining forces and presenting training courses for road safety references, so that they can promote best prevention practices from their fields of action at all levels. Given the context, for the first time in online format, the trainings will be aimed at children's road safety and safe driving of motorcycles.

In the month in which Argentina celebrates the Road Safety Day, the first training course "Children's Road Safety" that starts this week and in which a representative from each province will participate, will focus on children's road safety. In Argentina, according to the official figures, every year more than 300 children from 0 to 14 years old die due to traffic accidents.

On the other hand, taking into account that according to the latest official records, almost half of the victims of traffic accidents in Argentina were motorcyclists, a percentage that has been increasing in recent years, the Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation, with the support of the ANSV, has been developing since June 11 its training "Safe Motorcycle Driving", this time aimed at 60 license issuers from all municipalities of Misiones and Entre Rios, given that the mortality rates (deaths per 100. 000 inhabitants) and fatality rates (deaths per 10,000 vehicles) in road accidents in the NEA -together with those in the NOA- are the highest in the country.

The Statistical Yearbook of the ANSV's Road Observatory Directorate states that in Argentina the mortality rate in road accidents is 12.3, a significant figure considering that the World Health Organization considers a disease with a rate higher than 10 to be an epidemic. At provincial level this number is 20.8 in Misiones and 14.1 in Entre Ríos.

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